EASY Under 5 km, on tracks, relatively flat, suit beginners.
Easy to Medium Under 10 km, uneven terrain, including moderate climbs and descents. Reasonable level fitness
Medium Under 15 km, steep climbs and descents, good fitness required.
Hard Under 20km, narrow or eroded tracks, maybe some bush bashing, steep long climbs and descents, good fitness and stamina.
Very Hard Over 6hours, difficult terrain, strenuous walking, steep and long climbs and descents, fit and experienced walkers. Maybe overnight
NOTE: PLEASE READ. Every Women and child participating in any activity conducted by Women in the Bush does so as a volunteer in all respects and as such, accepts responsibility for any injury or loss to themselves however incurred. The organization and its’ co-coordinators cannot accept liability in regard to any injury, damage or loss suffered by any person while engaged in any activity of Women in the Bush.
Waiver Form To be signed at the start of each walk
In voluntarily participating in the activity referred to on this waiver form I am aware that my participation in this activity may expose me to risk that could lead to injury, illness or death or to loss of or damage to my property. To minimise these risks I have endeavoured to ensure that:
This activity is within my capabilities and I am carrying adequate food, water and equipment and wearing clothing and footwear appropriate for this activity. I have advised the leader if I am taking any medication or have any physical or other limitation that might affect my participation in this activity. I do not believe that my medication or limitations will prevent me from successfully completing this activity.
I have read and understand these requirements and the Women in the Bush bushwalking code. I agree to remain with the group during the activity and accept the instructions of the leader of the walk/ride/activity. I have considered the risks before choosing to sign this waiver form. I still wish to join the walk/ride/activity. I agree by signing this form to waive any claim for damages arising from this activity that I may have against Women in the Bush, the leader or other participants in tort or contract.